Kick off meeting IA4YE

The first online meetings of the project were held. The following topics were discussed in the meeting attended by the project partners.



Assistants: Mike, Emre, Iker, Cindie

Main objectives:

Team presentation

Review the project summary

Set a list of tasks to


Topics discussed


- Partner documents/agreement to be signed

- Next week the money will be transferred

- The project form has a mistake: Italy is counted twice and Spain is missing



- 3 mobilities: Turkey, Italy and Spain -> dates to be determined and signing documents

- Previous field research on the topic of AI entrepreneurships made by young people in each country and best practices -> the report will be the first project output

Project management folder

- Drive folder is available

- Emre has made a Management drive folder for the document storage and update

- Gantt chart available

- Budget excel template ready

- Dedicated document for the results, meeting and task details

- Dedicated page for dissemination activities and content

- Dedicated page for general info of the project give us access to all the documents



- Logo is present by Emre and is available for feedback -> branding is to be developed

- Facebook and instagram are to be created together to link the accounts + a website -> all managed by Emre at first.

- Document “About the project” is shared with basic objectives to achieve -> verify if it’s uploaded in our Drive

- Dissemination is proposed to be run my Mike in collaboration with Emre for diffusion on socials


“Bir millet ki resim yapmaz, bir millet ki heykel yapmaz, bir millet ki tekniğin gerektirdiği şeyleri yapmaz, itiraf etmeli ki o milletin ilerleme yolunda yeri yoktur.” 

Mustafa Kemal ATATÜRK